August 30, 2005

In winter mode - it was cold at night on our vacation with the family in Metula

Taking a rest on Ima.

With Ima and my cousins Yoni and Gilat at the party - can you believe that Yoni is 6 weeks younger than me? I'm working on fattening up a little...

At my brita with Aya, Yaara and Sarale' - check out my pretty orange dress and my flower crown :-)

My wonderful pool party - it was a blast!

My fist is delish!

August 10, 2005

An artistic moment, overlooking the Bahai Gardens

In your face!

No wonder everyone flips over me - just look at me


Ima is multi-tasking ;-)

My first time in the Baby Bjorn carrier - me lika!

Aba is SOO comfortable!

August 7, 2005

Playing with my cousin Yoni (you can click on the link on the sidebar to see Yoni's site)


Hanging out at Great Savta Rachel's house

How cute am I ??!?!?!

I'm sqeaky clean after my bath

As I said below - what an AMAZING tree!

Ima is looking at the camera, but I am FASCINATED with a tree above me...

With the gang (I'm not too happy in this picture, but I bounced back quickly)

How embarrassing - changing my diaper in a park in Jerusalem

In the "shuk" in Jerusalem with Aba, Great Aunt Naama, Aunt Livnat, Great Aunt Sarit, Cousin Emily and Cousin Evyatar