May 2, 2006

Doing some serious flag shaking Posted by Picasa

Happy Independance Day! Posted by Picasa

Can I help you with something? Posted by Picasa favorite! Posted by Picasa

At the top of Ramat Idmit overlooking Keshet Cave with the wind in our hair Posted by Picasa

Wow - aren't I gorgeous? Posted by Picasa

You think I'm a little spoiled? ;-) Posted by Picasa

With Great Savta Shoshana on a trip to the Gilboa Posted by Picasa

Zohar came to play with me in my room and we tore the place to pieces Posted by Picasa

No words... Posted by Picasa

Taking a rest Posted by Picasa

Eat your heart out, Gerber baby!! Posted by Picasa

We took a nice hike at Mount Meiron - I travel in style! Posted by Picasa

Guy and Dolls Posted by Picasa

May 1, 2006

Don't talk to me! I'm having a moment Posted by Picasa

Zohar and I are keeping ourselves busy at G-pa's house Posted by Picasa

Swinging in the swing Aba set up for me at G-ma's house Posted by Picasa

Listen, Yoni - I have an idea... Posted by Picasa

Playing with my cute cousin Yoni at his house Posted by Picasa