Look how many earrings Aunt Julie has at her "basta"
We went to visit Julie and Eli in the shook - it was great - Julie gave me a ring, which I put on my middle finger and innocently showed it to Ima as she took the picture (laughing like crazy as she took it...)
Look who's learned to sit. and getting better and better every day
Boaz and Ima having some fun
Making faces as Boaz and I watch TV
Agam and I had some watching of our own to do as well
Boaz is a typical guy - loves watching the screen :-)
Still similing...
More smiles...
Smiley boy
Boaz loves playing with Uncle Ido
Boaz in winter gear - hat from G-ma and coat from Great Aunt Naama. How cute is he??
Making faces with Zohar
Zohar and Yarden spent the night at my house and we were VERY excited. We got all dressed and erady to go to the park.
Boazi is getting some love from Aunt Rachel
More candle lighting
Lighting candles with the Achrak clan!
Sheer cuteness
Aunt Rachel and my cousins came one day during Hanukka and we played Candy Land