December 30, 2014

Selfie on the city bus

Gorgeous boy showing off the dreidel Aba made and the nursery school decorated 


Hanukkah project

Look what a cool present we got in the box!

The laser-tag fighters at the Pine Grove Ranch

Boaz the magician's sidekick

Horseback riding in the snow!

Cousins - (too) long time, no see

Lighting Hanukkah candles and remembering Grandpa

Lots of laughs combined with tears 

Gma showing the kids a cool game from school

Chillin with the little ones

Gma with the gang at the (crazy) "Christmas House" in Jamaica Estates

December 1, 2014

Autumn leaves!

Silly fun

Yet another day at the spa

Cool in the cubby

Chillin in the car

Fun park in Battery Park

Ariel and her project on Native Americans

Life is tough

Boazi loves dinosaurs!

T-Rex - Boazi's favorite


Handsome guys
