Gorgeous girls
Savta Shoshana and Tamar
Tsachi's unique baby-holding position, which Tamar loves!
Boozi getting refreshed in the kitchen sink
Ariel the Zionist - in the exact room where Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel
Girl power
Chillin under the status of Meir Dizengoff - first mayor of Tel-Aviv
Making the chocolate flakes for our "Zebra Cake"
Zebra Cake!! Yum
Zebra cake from the inside
Playing in the last few inches of water before we killed the pool for the season
Ariel and Zohar synchronized swimming
Check out that dimple!
Great grandkids galore
Playing at the gymboree - credit to Gma for taking such a nice pic
Fun day at the pool with loads of cousins!!
Aunt Julie! (See how Tamar has put on some fat??)
Life is tough
You talkin to me?