Hats in Jerusalem
Walking on the walls of the old city
Typical Tamar duty
At the Cardo - sheesh Ariel is heavy
Tamar conquers the Cardo
The renovated windmill - gorgeous!
Sprinkler park under Migdal David - wow!!
Gorgeous boy
Ice cream - yum
The gang
At the Sataf
Cousins saying goodbye :-(
Soaking up some Gma before we leave
Tamar taking a nap before we even left on the train to the airport
After the long flight on the way to the rental car
Walmart :-)
Museum of Natural History - reconnecting with our cousins!!
Mister Softie!
Our new house in Jamaica Estates Queens
Gorgeous girl
Making meatballs
Our first weekend, took a drive to the Hamptons to see Uncle Irving and Aunt Joanie
Playing as we unpack
Yummy after bath nakedness
Bug Carosel at the Bronx Zoo
Tired at the end of the day
Waiting out the rain in a local Barnes and Noble
Posing with his masterpiece
Sea Lions!
Check out those prairie dogs
Lunch - hot dogs and sugar snaps
Bug carosel - Boaz on a blue beetle
Boazi's new bed with a slide!
Leopard girl
Taking a break at the Central Park Zoo
Turtle cousins