Gorgeous girl in the snow
Tamar in her favorite place - sitting on the scale in the kitchen corner
Fun in the bath
More snow
And more snow
Winter break fun - whipped cream with sprinkles, sunglasses, headband - check!
Pretend trick or treating
Tamar wanted her shoes with no socks, her coat, Yarden's hat and to take a picture - cheese :-)
Boazi has discovered Legos, in a big way
Ariel chilling with Barney the dog
Fun weekend in Levittown, PA
Mixing the brownie mix
Cousins hard at work
Gorgeous people at the Veteran's Park
Bob's new X-box game - "Just Dance" was a HUGE hit!
Dr. Boaz
Finally - an opportunity to go to the park, it's a good thing we took advantage of it - the next day we got 8 more inches of snow...
More snow