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Tsachi's latest masterpiece!! Yes, he made this gorgeous piece of furniture from scratch
Boazi gets a new belt in Jiu-Jitsu
The fashionista
Eat him up!
At Ariel's end-of-year ceremony in the Tower of David in Jerusalem
Naked baby!
Tamar with her traffic light
Love those trees!
Chomping on a chicken bone and loving it
Everyone has to pitch in...even if they make that cute face...
Angel one
7 year old and a dinosaur bday cake - ROAR!
Playing it cool
Way to go Tsachi and Boaz for such a cool cake (and it was super tasty)
Think this kid is spoiled? Drinking his bday smoothies from G-ma
End of year show - we're ready!
Graduation certificate from pre-school
Chillin on the (fake) grass
Finally Tamar can give Roeeki his water bottle - lots of fun
Drinking cause I feel like it
Say what?
Catch the thighs...