December 4, 2012

Ariel, her friend Hila and Noah's Ark that they made.

Hello penguin :-)

Ariel in her school ceremony - taking things very seriously

Still in the ceremony, but a bit less serious

I love my Aba

Koosh koosh!!

How cute am I??

Check out my chins and fatty wrists, they are very fun to kiss

Chomping on a bagel in my bassinet on the way to New York

Yum, bagel! I am really getting into food the past few days

Shopping in NYC with Jeff and Rosie - what fun!

Jeff and Ima at the crazy Japanese buffet - a whole block long - we stumbled upon for lunch

Life is tough in my queen size bed in NYC

Snow in New Jersey! Wow!!

Sesame Street watching with earphones while Tamar is sleeping

Control - do you copy?

Having fun at Boazi's Hanukah party at gan

Gorgeous boychik!

Aba joined in the fun

Now I'm happy with my jelly donut